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Find out how hot you are 🔥

State-of-the-art AI to analyze your face, and get a rating and feedback in all of the 9 important facial features e.g. canthal tilt, eyes, jawline, etc. Then get an overall rating out of 10.

  • 📤 Upload a selfie and click submit
  • 🌶️ See how hot you are out of 10.
  • 🧑👧 Get rating and feedback on 9 different facial features.

Used by Over 20,000+ People to Rate Their Face

What this means?

Symmetry measures how evenly balanced your face is on the left and right sides. High symmetry is often associated with natural beauty.

Improvement Tips

  • Practice facial exercises to strengthen and balance facial muscles.
  • Avoid habits like sleeping on one side to maintain facial alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this tool accurate?

Our AI-powered 'Rate My Face' tool uses cutting-edge facial recognition and machine learning algorithms. It is trained on thousands of data points to provide scientifically backed results based on symmetry and aesthetics. While beauty is subjective, this rate my face test offers reliable and insightful feedback.

Is my photo stored?

No, we prioritize your privacy. Your photo is processed temporarily and deleted immediately after analysis. For more details, check our Privacy Policy.

What do the scores mean?

The scores are based on an AI-driven comparison of your facial features to global benchmarks. Each feature is rated out of 10, and the overall score reflects the harmony of your face.

Can I improve my score?

Absolutely! Use our detailed feedback to improve your jawline, skin, or other features. Consistency in self-care can lead to noticeable changes.

What if the tool doesn't work?

If the tool doesn't process your image, try uploading a clear, well-lit selfie without obstructions like glasses or hats.

Can I use the tool on mobile?

Yes, our free rate my face AI tool is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Is this tool really free?

Yes, this tool is 100% free to use. No hidden charges or subscriptions required.

Does the AI work for all ethnicities and face shapes?

Yes, the tool is inclusive and accurate for all ethnicities and face shapes, thanks to its diverse training dataset.

How long does the analysis take?

The analysis usually takes less than 5 seconds. If it's slower, refresh the page and try again.

What is 'Potential' in the score?

'Potential' highlights areas of improvement and focuses on your facial harmony's growth possibilities.

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